On Saturday, May 2, 2004, I will be participating in the 7th Annual Revlon Run/Walk for Women. You can join me in the fight against women’s cancers by making a pledge or donation on my behalf. Your pledge will help fund important research into the cause and cure of women’s cancers, prevention, education and support service programs. Every pledge will help bring us one step closer to a cure.

Save a Life, Make a Pledge
It is estimated that one in eight American women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life. In 2002, 272,000 women will have died from cancer. Behind this staggering statistic is the face of a woman who needs your help — a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend. The need is great and that is why I ask for your help. 

* * * * UPDATE * * * *

Well, the 2004 Revlon Run/Walk has come and gone, and once again it was a joyful, fun, exhilarating, and inspirational event. The turn out was even more huge than the previous years!

The unwavering support, love, and encouragement of friends and family during this very intense journey is invaluable and priceless. There is no way to quantify that, but I can tally up my donations: with all of your generous support, I raised over $1,700.00!! Not bad for one lil’ bald gal, eh? Heehee.

Your pledges will help fund important research into the cause and cure of women’s cancers, prevention, education and support service programs. Every pledge will help bring us one step closer to a cure.

Here’s a link with more info about this incredible annual event: