As some of you may know, one of my pie-in-the-sky dreams for Bald Is Beautiful is for this bald gal to be in an ad on a billboard in Times Square (with a company like CK or Gap in the context of “all-american-beauty”, the image of which would say so much without having to say anything, right???). Well, either the sky is falling, or dreams do come true, ’cause I’m up there baby! Before you get too excited . . .

It’s not my head or even my face, but it’s still a huuuge billboard on Broadway between 51st and 52nd Street, and them’s my feets (the ones in the jeans and super-oo-la-la-la pointy-pumps)!! Click HERE to see the sign! 

It’s at least a (bad, corny pun coming up . . . ): STEP in the right direction. Or, you might say (another really bad, corny pun comin’ atcha): I’ve got my FOOT in the doorway of my dreams comin’ true.

Seriously though . . . it’s super exciting. Feet or head or whatever, it inspires me to keep on keepin’ on, knowing that dreams DO come true and don’t ever give up. ‘Nuff said!

Them’s my feets in the heels and cuffed-up jeans!


I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille! (>wink!<)