It’s not my bald mug in Vogue (yet), but THIS WEBSITE is prominently listed at the end of a very moving and powerful article by Susan J. Halpern about her experience/journey with cancer, chemo, hair loss, etc. (title: ” . . . Susan J. Halpern finds not only style, but strength in being bald” – just to give you an idea).

I was very excited to read about her message of self-love, true self-acceptance, and ultimately reclaiming ownership of her own beauty (inner and outer) of, by, and for herself . . . and then SHOCKED and amazed to see my own website mentioned at the end of the piece! WOW!!

The article begins on page 140, then to page 142, ending on page 152, at the end of which is a resource section for empowerment, support, and such, and thar she is:, including a lil’ blurb about me and what BisB is all about! Yeah! Now we just gotta get the visuals representin’ and we’re off! Yahooooooo!